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Explore the Amazon data offered with Analyzer.Tools, a bulk analysis, sourcing & profit calculation app for Amazon sellers

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Windows app

Web app


Web app Pro


BPO data

Amazon Link

Link to Amazon product page

Amazon Seller

Returns whether Amazon is a current competing seller on listing. More Information

Amazon Seller InStock Rate 30d

% of time Amazon was a competing seller on listing in last 30 days

Amazon Seller InStock Rate 90d

% of time Amazon was a competing seller on listing in last 90 days

Amazon Seller InStock Rate 180d

% of time Amazon was a competing seller on listing in last 180 days


ASIN identifier of product

Avg Buybox 30d

Average BuyBox sell price on listing in the last 30 days

Avg Buybox 90d

Average BuyBox sell price on listing in the last 90 days

Avg Buybox 180d

Average BuyBox sell price on listing in the last 180 days

Avg Sales Rank 30d

Average Sales Rank on listing in the last 30 days

Avg Sales Rank 90d

Average Sales Rank on listing in the last 90 days

Avg Sales Rank 180d

Average Sales Rank on listing in the last 180 days

B2B Sales Rank

Sales Rank as it relates only to Amazon Business purchases

B2B Sales Rank Growth

Growth in B2B Sales Rank expressed as HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW

Bought in Past Month 30d

Amazon’s new “Bought in Past Month” data showing real sales performance in bulk when using wholesale Spreadsheet Search. This is not an estimate, its the only real sales data available directly from Amazon. Shows 30d monthly average.

Bought in Past Month 90d

Amazon’s new “Bought in Past Month” data showing real sales performance in bulk when using wholesale Spreadsheet Search. This is not an estimate, its the only real sales data available directly from Amazon. Shows 90d monthly average.

Bought in Past Month 180d

Amazon’s new “Bought in Past Month” data showing real sales performance in bulk when using wholesale Spreadsheet Search. This is not an estimate, its the only real sales data available directly from Amazon. Shows 180d monthly average.


Brand name of product

Brand Restriction

Crowd-sourced data which indicates whether the brand is known to enforce legal, IP, trademark, copyright type infringement. Be sure you have explicit permission to sell these products on Amazon to avoid issues.

Brand You Offer

Indicates whether the BPO product is sold by a brand you have a history of selling

Break Even Sell Price

Minimum price at which an Amazon seller must sell the product to cover all associated costs without making a profit or a loss.

Buy Box Landed

Active BuyBox sell price on listing + buyer’s shipping charge (if any)

BuyBox Contention

Number of FBA offers that are competing for and are rotating on the Buybox

Buyer Industry

Industry the Buyer is in that made a request for Amazon to sell this product.


CamelCamelCamel.com link showing sell price history chart


The name of a product category, such as Sporting Goods, to which a product belongs to. Column name changed from “Product Group” to “Category” 10/2022.

Category You Offer

Indicates whether the BPO product is sold in an Amazon Category that you have a history of selling in


Color of product


Unit cost of purchasing the product from your supplier, also known as cost of goods sold (COGS). The app gets this data from your supplier sheet and uses it to calculate Profit calculations. This cell can be edited for custom calculations. Column name changed from “Purchase Price” to “Cost” 10/2022.

Cost Sub Total

Total fees charged by Amazon. Referral Fee + Variable Closing Fee + Fulfillment Subtotal (FBA fees, if applicable) + Inbound Shipping (US FBA fee, if applicable).

Custom Notes

Add your notes about a product into the grid for any product. Notes are automatically saved

Date Buyer Requested

Date the Buyer made the request for Amazon to sell a product that does not currently have an Amazon listing


EAN of product

Est Sales

Estimated number of products that are sold on a listing on a monthly basis. Est Sales are shared by all sellers sharing the BuyBox. See BuyBox Contention


Add/Remove products to your custom Favorites lists. Solid star represents a product already added to a Favorites list

Fulfillment Subtotal

Sum of Amazon FBA fulfillment fees

Inbound Placement Fee

Amazon fee applicable to FBA in the US marketplace only. More Information

Inbound Shipping Estimate

Cost of shipping the product (ie: to an Amazon fulfillment center). Added as an optional cost in “Additional Expenses” screen. Expressed as an average cost per lb. assumption which is applied to all products


ISBN of product. Only applicable to books.

Is Hazmat

Indicates whether Amazon classifies product as Hazardous / Dangerous Goods

Is Top Level Category

Indicates if the Category of the product is a top level category. This is relevant when analyzing sales as sub-category products are generally not ranked in the top level category due to lack of sales. See Category.


Keepa link showing historical sell price and sales velocity chart

Last Run

Date and time the product was last processed by the app. Results can be refreshed in the app by using the Refresh feature

Lowest FBA

Lowest FBA fulfilled sell price on a product listing. Column name changed from “Low New FBA Price” to “Lowest FBA” 10/2022.

Lowest FBM

Lowest merchant fulfilled sell price + shipping (if applicable) on a product listing. Column name changed from “Low New Mfn Price” to “Lowest FBM” 10/2022.

Lowest Price Last Week

The lowest sell price on a BPO product listing over the last 7 days

Lowest Sales Rank 30d

Lowest Sales Rank on listing in the last 30 days

Lowest Sales Rank 90d

Lowest Sales Rank on listing in the last 90 days

Lowest Sales Rank 180d

Lowest Sales Rank on listing in the last 180 days


Manufacturer of product

Margin %

Profit Margin % = Profit / Sell Price


Model of product

New FBA Offers

Number of FBA sellers on product listing. Column name changed from “New FBA Num Offers” to “New FBA Offers” 10/2022.

New FBM Offers

Number of merchant fulfilled sellers on product listing. Column name changed from “New MFN Num Offers” to “New FBA Offers” 10/2022.

Package Dimensions

Package Length x Width x Height

Package Quantity

Quantity of product packs sold together in one bundle. Used for multi-pack calculations. This cell can be edited for custom calculations

Package Weight

Package weight. Important for shipping cost

Page Views

Volume of product Page Views expressed as HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW

Parent ASIN

The parent ASIN for a listing with variations

Part Number

Part number of product

Product ID

Shows the UPC, EAN, ASIN or ISBN from your supplier sheet that was used to match the product to Amazon. Useful for reconciling results to original product on the supplier sheet

Product Performance

Product Performance expressed as HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW

Product Image

Amazon product image URL


Profit on each unit sale. Sell Price minus all costs associated with selling on Amazon ie: shipping, taxes, additional fees (if applicable)


Average customer review rating on listing

Referral Fee

Amazon FBA fee charged to seller. For more information on FBA Fees visit Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule


Number of customer reviews on listing


Return on Investment (ROI) = Profit / Cost

Sales Rank

Indicates how well a product is selling within its product category. The lower the number, the better the product has sold

Sales Rank Drops 30d

The number of Sales Rank “drops” recorded on historical chart in last 30 days. Sales Rank drops correspond to sales but are only a directional guide since sales velocity, inventory changes, chart coverage, etc., all plays a role.

Sales Rank Drops 90d

The number of Sales Rank “drops” recorded on historical chart in last 90 days. Sales Rank drops correspond to sales but are only a directional guide since sales velocity, inventory changes, chart coverage, etc., all plays a role.

Sales Rank Drops 180d

The number of Sales Rank “drops” recorded on historical chart in last 180 days. Sales Rank drops correspond to sales but are only a directional guide since sales velocity, inventory changes, chart coverage, etc., all plays a role.

Sell Price

Assumed sell price of product. FBA fees & Profit calculations are based on this price. App will assume sell price to either a) Low FBA Price or b) Low FBM Price (if no FBA fulfilled sellers exist on listing). This cell can be edited for custom calculations

Seller Proceeds

Gross profit before cost of goods sold. Sell price – Cost Subtotal

Sub Category

Sub Category of product


Title of the product’s Amazon listing

Total Offers

Total number of FBA and MFN sellers on listing


UPC of product

Variable Closing Fee

Amazon FBA fee charged to seller. For more information on FBA Fees visit Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule

Variation Count

Number of variations associated with product


VAT % used to calculate VAT $. This cell can be edited for custom % calculations


VAT tax applied per settings in Additional Expenses settings