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Web App Update- Restricted Brand Alert, Improved Multi-Pack Data + More.

News & Updates News & Updates Web 8 months ago


October update brings Restricted Brand Alert & Improved Multi-Pack Data + many other user experience and bug zapping improvements. Check out the video demo and full list of changes below!

NEW- Restricted Brands alert in grid,
NEW- Package Quantity crowdsourcing for more accurate multipack data,
NEW- Changes to values in Package Quantity, Sell Price, Purchase Price & VAT are now automatically saved in the grid,
NEW- Added hyperlinks for URLs in Excel export,
NEW- Marketplace selection at scan level allows changing Marketplaces without navigating to Settings screen,
NEW- Improved Drag n’ Drop functionality in Spreadsheet scan screen,
NEW- Improved formatting for Spreadsheet scan error log,
NEW- Added Export Excel File, Export AMZ File and Refresh List to right click menu option of Recent Lists,
FIXED- Logic for Product ID column mapping,
FIXED- Extra column data with more than 200 characters impacting number of results generated,
FIXED- Error when using Hide feature for large dataset,
FIXED- Error handling of duplicate columns in input spreadsheet
FIXED- Certain special characters in custom Gridview name were causing issues
FIXED- Many other small bugs

Hope you enjoy the update!  Please be sure to visit, subscribe and share our Facebook, YouTube & new Twitter page to be the first to get the latest updates on program developments and new features!

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